Friday, April 10, 2009

Open Multiple Homepages in Different Tabs in Mozilla Firefox

I was looking to achieve this on my Firefox in Ubuntu. Initially I was looking for some addon which could do this for me,at one point Juneja and I thought about writing a plugin which could bring this about. But luckily I found a trick that worked. I've seen it work on Firefox in Windows and Ubuntu.

The trick is,

In Ubuntu:
Go to Edit>Preferences>Main
In Windows:
Go to Tools>Prefences>General

Now in the Homepage text area,put the URLs you want to open simultaneously at Firefox startup, using '|' as a separator.

For clarity, see the screenshot below


  1. nice hack guyz!!!

  2. hmm.. good one, tried any other operators?

  3. hey, btw, do you really insist on logging in to comment or was it overlooked?

  4. @Gopal we were not aware of this compulsion of logging in. We haven't found any other operator that works ( so far )
